Logic fails me here.
- Religion is about to be banned.
- Trial is set for some date.
- Date is after a random religious event.
- God did it.
Questions and remarks:
- If God is so concerned about the JW, why does he allow them to be threatened in the first place?
- Maybe the JW get banned the day after the Memorial. Apparently God 'moved events' so the memorial could be held. Never mind next years memorial.
- If JW got banned before the Memorial, pro-JW would claim that this targeted persecution proves Satan is aiming his arrows at JW. They must definitely be God's chosen people.
- If trial got postponed to after summer....thank God for allowing the convention to be held....etc.
Please snap out of it. Your emotional attchment and fear blur the facts you see. JW doctrine is false in so many ways, no amount of interpreting random events as divine action can fix that.